Palatka Gas Authority
Board of Directors Meeting – April 7, 2022 at 6:00 pm.
Present Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Bryan Screen, Chip Laibl, Attorney George Young, City Manager Don Holmes, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.
- Invocation
- Call to Order
- Approval of minutes from meeting from 3/3/2022.
- Tom Geoffroy from Florida Gas Utility will discuss rate stabilization and the progress on Georgia Pacific Prepay/Large Volume Industrial User rate schedule.
- Financial / Operations update for February; New services installed (4) Main extensions (1) Abandonments (4).
- Update on the purchase of a Vermeer D 10 boring machine.
- Discussion on the reconfiguration of the CNG station dispenser cabinets.
- Other Business.
- Next Board Meeting May 5, 2022.