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Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 7/09/2020 @ 3:30 PM

Present by Zoom App are: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Attorney George Young, City Manager Don Holmes, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from meeting on 6/11/2020.
  4. Industrial Gas Project & Gas Rate Study – Tom Geoffroy & Katie Hall (FGU)
  5. Financial / Operations update for May; New services installed (7) Main extensions (0).
  6. Julia Ennis gas refund request.
  7. Certificate of Deposit Rate Proposals.
  8. Other Business.
  9. Next Board Meeting – August 6th 2020

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 6/11/20 – 4:00 pm

Present Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from meeting on 4/22/2020.
  4. Financial / Operations update for April; New services installed (7) Main extensions (0).
  5. Industrial Customer project with FGU.
  6. FGU Rate Study 2020.
  7. Proposed purchase of Rigid ProPress Tool for gas.
  8. COVID 19 update.
  9. Other Business.
  10. Next Board Meeting – May 7th, 2020

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 5/07/20 – 4:00 pm

Present by Phone: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from meeting on 4/22/2020.
  4. Financial / Operations update for March; New services installed (5) Main extensions (1).
  5. Update on Gas Main Relocation Agreement for East Palatka between Yelvington Rd and Rio Vista.
  6. Proposed to retain the services of Holmes and Young for legal advice for PGA.
  7. Rodeheaver Boys Ranch 2020 Partnership request.
  8. Other Business.
  9. Next Board Meeting – May 7th, 2020

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 3/05/20 – 6:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, City Manager Bill Shanahan, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of minutes from February 6th
  3. Financial / Operations update for January; New services installed (4) Main extensions (1).
  4. Palatka Gas Authority Personnel Policy (Andy Kiley).
  5. Kim Marie commission dispute.
  6. East Palatka gas main between Yelvington Rd and Rio Vista.
  7. PGA parking lot painting.
  8. Other Business.
  9. Next Board Meeting – April 2nd, 2020.

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 2/06/20 – 6:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, City Manager Bill Shanahan, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of minutes from January 9th and 30th
  3. Financial / Operations update for November; New services installed (12) Main extensions (6).
  4. Extending PGA’s FTS-1 contract #104361 from 2/28/2021 to 2/28/2031.
  5. Palatka Gas Authority Personnel Policy (Andy Kiley).
  6. Kim Marie commission dispute.
  7. SMA donation of a small tankless water heater. Sign for advertising.
  8. Palatka High Booster Club Softball Banner – $250 Sponsorship (family members of two employees on team).
  9. East Palatka gas main between Yelvington Rd and Rio Vista.
  10. Other Business.
  11. Next Board Meeting – March 5th, 2020.

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 1/09/20 – 6:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from December 16th, 2019
  4. Financial / Operations update for November; New services installed (12) Main extensions (6).
  5. Palatka Gas Authority Personnel Policy (Andy Kiley)
  6. DTEX-100G Microprocessor based Odorant Detection System.
  7. Jay Perry termination.
  8. Kim Marie commission dispute.
  9. Other Business.
  10. Next Board Meeting – February 6th, 2020

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 12/16/19 – 12:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from November 7th, 2019
  4. Proposal to College Arms Apartments
  5. Tankless water heaters and piping installation for the Veterans Village of Habitat for Humanity.
  6. Palatka Airport Fly Inn
  7. Other Business.
  8. Next Board Meeting – January 2nd, 2020?

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 11/07/19 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from October 3rd, 2019
  4. Financial / Operations update for October; New services installed (4).
  5. Public Service Commission Inspection. CRI Audit 2019 has begun.
  6. Proposed purchase of Socket Fusion Kit for new construction crew $1,045.00. (New Hire)
  7. Cost of gas adjustment up $.01 for the month of November.
  8. The city of Palatka has approved a one-time payment in lieu of COLA.
  9. Transit Van damages update.
  10. Warehouse roof leak.
  11. Florida Natural Gas Association Mutual Aid approval.
  12. Christmas Party @ Beef O’Brady’s , December 6th at 6:00 pm.
  13. Other Business.
  14. Next Board Meeting – January 2nd, 2020?

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 10/03/19 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Lee Garner and Brett Dennis.

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from September 9, 2019
  4. Financial / Operations update for September; New services installed (5).
  5. Service line abandonment program 2019 – 39 abandoned services – 2 new in September.
  6. Cost of gas adjustment – not updated yet.
  7. Personnel Policies and Procedures. PGA Safety Manual.
  8. Capital Equipment Request – Kubota/Mahindra Backhoe & Trailer.
  9. Request for sponsorship from the Palatka PorchFest Music Festival.
  10. FMNGA Mutual Aid Program.
  11. Transit Van damages update.
  12. Other Business.
  13. Next Board Meeting – November 7th, 2019

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 08/01/19 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Lee Garner, Brett Dennis and Corbett Higman (Inspired Technologies).

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes from July 11, 2019
  4. Inspired Technologies – Computer back up and computer terminal replacement proposals
  5. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (2); New services installed (3).
  6. Service line abandonment program 2019 – 32 abandoned services, 20 closed out, 67 services checked. Total 506 to be checked.
  7. Cost of gas adjustment – no change.
  8. Personnel Policies and Procedures.
  9. Board of Director’s duties and responsibilities/employee sick time misuse.
  10. Gas Service Rate change proposal.
  11. Calculation of Christmas Bonus and date for Christmas party December 2019.
  12. Disposition of one more vehicle.
  13. Plumbing License Update – sovereign immunity.
  14. CNG conversion and damage to service van. Presentation of three bids.
  15. Strategic projects
    1. Crescent City Natural Gas.
  16. Other Business.
  17. Next Board Meeting – September 5th, 2019