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Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 7/12/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Zeriah Folston

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes June 7, 2018
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (Silver Lake); New services installed (10 in June)
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – June – no change
  6. Audit firm
  7. Grant
  8. Computer upgrade – status
    1. Neptune – waiting on Neptune
    2. Aclara – complete
    3. SCADA Computer – replacement
  9. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  10. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road – permit applied for
    3. Continental
    4. East Coast Aggregates
  11. General Manager Discussion
  12. Next Board Meeting – August 2, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 6/7/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Zeriah Folston

1. Invocation

2. Call to Order

3. Approval of minutes May 3, 2018

4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (Sherri Lane); New services installed (6 in May)

5. Cost of gas adjustment – May – Decrease $0.0792

6. Computer upgrade – status

a. Neptune

b. Aclara

7. CNG

a. Selling price of CNG

8. Strategic projects

a. Hastings

b. W Peniel / Motes Road

c. Continental **

d. East Coast Aggregates

9. General Manager Discussion

10. Next Board Meeting – July 5, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 5/3/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Zeriah Folston

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes April 5, 2018
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (Radcliff Rd & Stokes Landing Rd); New services installed (6 in April)
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – April – Decrease $0.04
  6. Harbor Bank to CenterState Bank
  7. Computer upgrade – status
    1. Neptune
    2. Aclara
  8. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  9. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road
    3. Continental
    4. East Coast Aggregates
  10. General Manager Discussion
  11. Next Board Meeting – June 7, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 4/5/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Zeriah Folston

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes March 1, and March 22, 2018
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (Kennedy St); New services installed (8 in March)
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – March – remained the same
  6. Computer upgrade – status
    1. Neptune
  7. Andy Kiley/Jud Neufeld – resumes
  8. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  9. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road
    3. Continental
    4. East Coast Aggregates
  10. Next Board Meeting – May 3, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 3/1/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Matt Reynolds, Zeriah Folston

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes February 1, 2018
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (1-Peeples Ln); New services installed (8 in February)
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – February – increased $0.04
  6. Computer upgrade – status
  7. Funeral Leave Policy – Step Parents
  8. Andy Kiley/Jud Neufeld – resumes
  9. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
    2. Air Compressor – received & in place
  10. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road
    3. Continental
    4. East Coast Aggregates
  11. Next Board Meeting – April 5, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 2/1/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Matt Reynolds

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes January 4, 2018
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (1-Mango); New services installed (5 in January)
  5. New development off CR 309
  6. Cost of gas adjustment – January decreased $0.07
  7. Financial Review – checking account – Matt
  8. Computer upgrade – status
  9. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  10. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road
    3. Continental
    4. East Coast Aggregates
  11. AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential (1) 3219 Weaver Road – Eddie Alan Watson
  12. Next Board Meeting – March 1, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 1/4/18 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Matt Reynolds

  • Invocation
  • Call to Order
  • Approval of minutes November 2 & 28, 2017
  • Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (1-Alice St); New services installed (8 in November – 5 in December) – 62 YTD
  • Cost of gas adjustment – January –
  • Grant
  • Financial Review – checking account – Matt
  • Computer upgrade
  • Laundry – Contract
  • CNG
    • Selling price of CNG
  • Strategic projects
    • Hastings
    • W Peniel / Motes Road
  • AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential (1) 3219 Weaver Road
  • Next Board Meeting – February 1, 2018

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 11/2/17 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Matt Reynolds

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to Order
  3. Approval of minutes October 5, 2017
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (1); New services installed (3)
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – November –
  6. Grant
  7. Christmas Party
  8. Financial Review – checking account
  9. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  10. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road
    3. Karen Lane – Completed
  11. AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential / Commercial (1)
  12. Next Board Meeting – Christmas Party – date undecided

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 10/5/17 – 7:00 pm

Present:  Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Matt Reynolds

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to order
  3. Approval of minutes September 7, and September 25, 2017 meetings
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete ( ); New services installed ( 5 ); multiple requests for generators;
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – October – no change
  6. Ann – overtime & hurricane duty
  7. Grant
  8. Christmas Party
  9. Financial Review – checking account
  10. Concrete
  11. FDEP
  12. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  13. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road –
    3. Karen Lane – received on DOT permit;
  14. AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential / Commercial (Keith) [2]
  15. Next Board Meeting – Thursday is 11/2/17

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 9/1/17 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Terry Suggs

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to order
  3. Approval of minutes August 3, 2017
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete (2 – Silver Lake Rd & Karen Ct.); New services installed ( 5 ); Apartments (St. Johns Ave)
  5. Cost of gas adjustment – Spetember
  6. Budget
  7. Grant
  8. Health Insurance
  9. Concrete
  10. Distributed General Technologies LLC – Hospital
  11. CNG
    1. Selling pricing of CNG
  12. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road –
    3. Karen Lane – Waiting on DOT permit;
  13. AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential / Commercial (Keith) [10]
  14.  Next Board Meeting – Thursday is 10/5/17