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Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 6/1/17 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Terry Suggs

  1. Invocation
  2. Call to order
  3. Approval of minutes May 4, 2017
  4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete ( 0 ); New services installed ( 3 );
  5. City Billing – Live May 1st,; sign near front door
  6. Deposit monies for water deposits
  7. Computers for Staff (3)
  8. Cost of gas adjustment – decrease $0.0500 per unit
  9. CNG
    1. Selling price of CNG
  10. Strategic projects
    1. Hastings
    2. W Peniel / Motes Road –
  11. AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential / Commercial (Keith)
  12. Next Board Meeting – Thursday is 7/6/17

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 5/4/17- 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Terry Suggs

1. Invocation

2. Call to order

3. Approval of minutes April 6, 2017

4. Financial/ Operations update; Mains complete ( 0 ); New services installed ( 1 );

5. Utility Authority

6. City Billing-Live May 1st·;

7. FGU Marketing Plan -Water Heaters -participating dealers

8. City Holidays (Good Friday}

9. Deposit monies for water deposits-separate account?

10. City Fireworks

11. Low use customers (300+ accounts with no water heater)

12. Cost of gas adjustment-decrease $0.0000 per unit

13. CNG a. Selling price of CNG b. Maintenance vs. revenue

14. Strategic projects a. Hastings b. W Peniel / Motes Road –

15. AMR – Meters remaining to be changed – Residential / Commercial (Keith)

16. Next Board Meeting-Thursday is 6/1/17

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 4/6/17 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Terry Suggs

1. Invocation

2. Call to order

3. Approval of minutes March 2, 2017

4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete ( 2 ); New services installed ( 6 ); FPSC Audit correction notice received

5. City Billing – Live May 1st, ;

6. FGU Marketing Plan

7. Progressive disciplinary policy discussion

8. Cost of gas adjustment – decrease $0.0000 per unit

9. FGU is working on rate review

10. CNG

a. Selling price of CNG

11. Strategic projects

a. Hastings

b. W Peniel / Motes Road –

12. AMR – deployed / programed (Keith)

13. Next Board Meeting – Thursday is 5/4/17

Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 3/2/17 – 7:00 pm Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Terry Suggs

1. Invocation

2. Call to order

3. Approval of minutes February 2, 2017

4. Financial / Operations update; Mains complete ( O ); New services installed ( ? ); EFV Notice mailed beginning st
1 billing cycle March

5. City Billing – Live May 1st,; Office Furniture

6. Cost of gas adjustment- increase/decrease $0.0000 per unit

7. County Permitting

8. Other Gas Authorities

9. Customer Graph

10. CNG

a. Selling price of CNG

11. Strategic projects

a. Hastings

b. W Peniel / Motes Road -Grant Application

12. AMR -deployed / programed (Keith)

13. Next Board Meeting-Thursday is 4/6/17


Board of Directors Meeting

Palatka Gas Authority

Board of Directors Meeting 2/2/17 – 7:00 pm

Present: Jud Neufeld, James Vickers, Marc Spalding, Andy Kiley, Bryan Screen, Don Holmes, Don Kitner, Keith Dunham, Ann Atkins, Terry Suggs

1. Invocation

2. Call to order

3. Approval of minutes January 5, 2017

4. Financial/ Operations update; Mains complete ( 3 ) Magnolia, Molly, San Jose; New services installed ( 8 ); ADA Compliant;

5. City Billing

6. FPSC Audit-2 -violations-old phone number on meters and line markers-both corrected

7. Cost of gas adjustment – increase/decrease $0.0000 per unit

8. 596 Stokes Landing -1600′ extension

9. Excess Flow Valve (EFV)notification

10. Labor Rates Review

11. CNG

a. Selling price of CNG

12. Strategic projects

a. Hastings

b. W Peniel / Motes Road- Grant Application – Budget addition

13. AMR -deployed/ programed (Keith)

14. Next Board Meeting -Thursday is 3/2/17